ReDI Job Fair: Emphasis on Diversity and Equality in the workforce
“It's not necessarily what you know, but who you know.” This saying is especially true when it comes to finding a job. After a long string of online job fairs, we have finally met in person at the Microsoft Atrium in Berlin. At our Job Fair 80+ ReDI alumni met the recruiting teams of 20+ companies. We saw so many connections being made between excited ReDI talents and happy recruiters. Now fingers crossed for a lot of matches! Enjoy the impressions:
The panel discussion with Astrid Aupperle (Microsoft), Dr. Petra Follmar-Otto (Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Women, Seniors and Youth), Hanka Boldemann (JP Morgan), Jutta Graefensteiner (Cisco), Iryna Novikova (ReDI School) and Christian Meyer (straight solutions) emphasized that diverse and equal teams are not negotiable but rather the prerequisite for success in the future.
Astrid Aupperle from Microsoft is hosting and sponsoring the ReDI JobFair and welcomes all the talents and recruiters in the Microsoft Atrium in Berlin.
"Our society is becoming more diverse, our clients are becoming more diverse, so our teams need to become more diverse.”, explained Christian Meyer, who hires at least one ReDI alumni every year. 20% of his workforce are already former ReDI students.
We are ReDI for Diversity & Equality: 106 nationalities - 60 % of the learners are female. ReDI School trains people with migration and forced migration background in tech and computer skills to be able to start a career in tech.
The Power of a Network: ReDI Talents meeting Recruiters. More then 80 alumni joined the Job Fair in Berlin to meet the 21 company teams.

Huge thank you to JP Morgan and the Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Women, Seniors and Youth for supporting our Talent Programs as well as to Microsoft and Deutsche Welle for sponsoring the event.
Photo Credits: Edi Fortini
If you are interested in being one of our tech talents, please browse our course catalog.
Alternatively, if you would like to recruit our ReDI tech talents at the next Job Fair, be sure to write to us at