Welcome to ReDI Hamburg!

About us

ReDI School of Digital Integration is a non-profit tech school for locals and newcomers without access to digital education. We offer free coding and computer courses in combination with a unique career program and the chance to collaborate with the digital industry in Germany.

Focusing on market-demanded IT topics, we accelerate the job market integration of our learners of our learners in Hamburg and Germany.

The courses are taught by volunteer teachers who are real-world experts in the field and work in IT companies. They support learners in creating new opportunities.

Join our high-end tech skill training and career support!

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Supported By:

 Courses in Hamburg

Meet our team

Andrea Rodríguez Gutiérrez 

Local Head

Eva Maria Hisch

Program Manager

Şevval Şener

Community Coordinator

Ekaterina Steritsyna

Community Coordinator


Our team in Hamburg

ReDI School in Hamburg has just launched in 2022, so our team is still small, but stay tuned for upcoming job postings and help us start the journey!


ReDI in the Media

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