ReDI Summer Job Fair 2024: Breaking Barriers, Shaping the Future

The ReDI Summer Job Fair 2024 in Munich wasn't just another career event—it was a celebration of diversity, innovation, and opportunity. On July 1, 2024, over 130 tech talents and industry leaders came together, marking a significant step towards inclusive hiring in Germany's vibrant tech scene.

Event Highlights

  • 80+ job seekers from 30 nations

  • 50+ company representatives

  • 64% female participation

  • 16 "She's ReDI To Pitch" participants

ReDI Job Fair 2024

Breaking the Ice

Even before the official opening, the air buzzed with excitement. Over coffee and pretzels, ReDI graduates and recruiters began forging connections that could shape careers and transform businesses.

High-Profile Guests

The event kicked off with inspiring words from key figures:

  • Clemens Baumgärtner, Head of Labor and Economic Affairs, City of Munich

  • Jutta Gräfensteiner, Management Board Member, Cisco Germany

"Events like the ReDI Summer Job Fair are crucial for bridging the gap between diverse tech talent and industry needs," said Baumgärtner. "It's impressive to see the impact ReDI School is making."

International Visitors

The fair's reputation reached far beyond Germany's borders. A delegation from Seoul, South Korea, attended to learn about ReDI's innovative approach to tech education and integration.

Empowering Women in Tech

The "She's ReDI To Pitch" workshop, led by Regina Mehler and ReDI alumna Sangeeta Singh, armed 16 women with the skills to perfect their elevator pitches.

"The workshop gave me the confidence to approach recruiters and clearly articulate my skills," shared Sarah, a workshop participant. "I secured two interviews on the spot!"

ReDI Lab: From Classroom to Industry

For the first time, ReDI Lab participants showcased their real-world IT projects, demonstrating how classroom learning translates into practical skills.

Fostering Inclusive Recruiting

The Employer Roundtable, featuring representatives from Sky, Payback Group, and others, tackled the critical topic of diversity in hiring.

Success Story

Aisha, a ReDI alumna who attended last year's fair shared: "The connections I made at the 2023 Job Fair led directly to my current role as a junior developer. It's amazing to return this year as a mentor!"

Looking Ahead

The ReDI Summer Job Fair 2024 was more than an event—it was a testament to the power of inclusive tech education and hiring practices. As we celebrate this year's successes, we're already looking forward to creating even more opportunities in the future.

A heartfelt thank you goes to the supporters of the event, including the Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth, the City of Munich, and Cisco, as well as all participating companies and volunteer mentors and trainers. We wish the participating alumni much success and keep our fingers crossed that the connections made will help them enter the job market!

Get Involved

Interested in supporting ReDI School or attending future events? Visit or follow us on LinkedIn.

This article is a revised and translated version of the original post in German on 11th of July, 2024. You can read the original post (here) from the Das Aktionsprogramm „Gleichstellung am Arbeitsmarkt. Perspektiven schaffen“ (GAPS). The program “Equality in the labor market. Creating perspectives” (GAPS) was launched in 2022 and their free offer is aimed at everyone who wants to (re-)enter the workforce, try something new or develop certain skills.


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