Python Foundations
Hamburg | Data Analytics Courses
2 sessions / week
This is a FREE course
If you register here, you will receive all information by mail as soon as we start the application process for the Spring 2025 Semester!
ReDI Career Track: Data Analytics
Course Overview
In this course you build your foundation in Python programming starting with the fundamentals and working up to Object Oriented Programming. This is the beginner course for continuing into Data Analytics and Machine Learning.
Part 1: Fundamentals of Python
Data types, variables
Operators & Precedence
Conditional Operations
Using and Writing Functions
Python classes and objects (OOP)
Using libraries
Version control with Git & GitHub
Error handling & Unit Testing
Part 2: Advanced Topics (time permitting)
How to use python to analyze data
Basic Visualizations
You have an interest in programming
You are familiar with basic computer terminology
You are confident with using a computer, creating files and folders, and browsing the web
You are looking for a basic course to start your journey into Data Analytics and/or Machine Learning & AI
You can commit at least 10 hours a week (classes + self-study), 80% attendance of the course is required for graduation
You can commit at least 8 hours for career workshops or trainings during the semester
You are able to understand and speak English
Watch the How Computers Work YouTube series
Watch this video titled Introduction to Computer Science for Beginners
Watch these introductory videos on the topics we will cover in Intro Computer Science
You will have written a first program with Python, including loops, variables and functions
You have received an introduction to Data Analytics
You are prepared to continue with the Python Intermediate course for the Data Analytics Track
Career & Soft Skills Workshops, Company Visits
ReDI Mentorship Program (mentors in the IT industry)
ReDI Talent Pool (job listing platform)
SkillBuild Self-paced learning (by IBM & ReDI School)
Course Impressions
- Hamburg | Mix of online and in-person classes
- Classes: Mon & Wed 19:00 – 21:00
- Spring Semester: March-June
- Fall Semester: September-December
- Teaching language: English
- Age: 18+