Digital Marketing

Online | Digital Marketing Courses

  • 2 sessions / week

  • This is a FREE course

Course Overview

This digital marketing course covers essentials like digital marketing fundamentals, content creation, paid advertising strategies, and customer engagement, along with career readiness training. Through two weekly live sessions and self-study, students learn about effective marketing campaigns across various platforms. The course demands at least 10 hours of weekly commitment and is ideal for those familiar with basic computer skills and an interest in marketing. Join us and take a first step toward a career in digital marketing.

    1. Digital Marketing Fundamentals: Covers the digital landscape including various channels and platforms, building target audiences, and social media marketing.

    2. Content Marketing: Focuses on content creation, optimization, and choosing the right content for different audiences and platforms. It also covers SEO techniques to enhance online visibility.

    3. Paid Marketing: You learn about how to effectively create and manage pay-per-click campaigns and other paid advertising strategies to maximize ROI.

    4. Customer Engagement: Includes audience segmentation, email marketing, omnichannel messaging, and brand management.

    5. Career Preparation: Provides job readiness training with soft skills development guided by industry experts to prepare for a career in tech.

  • How you will learn…

    • Live Sessions: You have live sessions twice a week where teachers explain the key concepts. The volunteer teachers are experts in the industry.

    • Self-Study: You study around 6 hours weekly on exercises and projects.

    • You are able to understand and speak English.

    • You can commit at least 10 hours a week (classes + self-study). 80% attendance and homework completion is required for graduation.

    • You are familiar with basic computer terminology.

    • You are confident with using a computer and software tools

    • You have interest in digital marketing.

    • Enhance your career opportunities in a digital landscape

    • Learn how to develop and implement marketing strategies across multiple channels

    • Develop skills that will help you stand out in an ever-changing and competitive market

    • Apply for roles such as Digital Marketing Specialist, Social Media Manager, SEO Specialist, Content Marketer, Digital Analyst etc.

    • Support business' growth by effectively marketing their products and services

    • Use the skills for personal branding and effectively engage with your audience

    • Career & Soft Skills Workshops, Company Visits

    • ReDI Mentorship Program (mentors in the IT industry)

    • ReDI Talent Pool (job listing platform)

    • Further Online Learning resources such as SkillBuild self-paced eLearning (by IBM & ReDI)

  • Online Course
  • Classes: Mon & Wed 19:00 – 21:00
  • Spring Semester: March - June
  • Fall Semester: September - December
  • Teaching language: English

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