It’s A Match! From Python beginner to employed Software Engineer in one year.
From Nigeria, Euphemia arrived in Germany in 2019 and started a Master of Science in Microelectronics Engineering at the University of Bremen. In 2022, Euphemia started her ReDI journey first by attending the Intro to Python bootcamp, followed by the Python Foundation course. Only three months after her graduation and by taking part in the 2023 ReDI Job Fair, she was able to get in contact with software development company and got offered a position!
Euphemia’s Success Story
‘’ I always liked computers and the logic behind them ’’ - Euphemia’s journey with technology
Technology has always been a keen interest of Euphemia’s’. From her appreciation for computers and their internal logic, she graduated with a Bachelor in Electronics and worked as an instrumentation engineer focused on maintenance in Nigeria. As she started working, she interacted more and more with programmers. But a lack of a good laptop and internet access, as well as a clear starting point and learning path, prevented Euphemia from venturing further into programming.
‘’ A baby, a master thesis, what’s one more challenge when you’re motivated ’’ - Euphemia’s path towards programming with ReDI in Cyberspace
Her Master’s degree in Microelectronics led Euphemia to Bremen, Germany. After having heard of ReDI through a friend, with her two months baby in her arms, Euphemia passed her ReDI in Cyberspace interview with flying colors to become a learner in the Intro to Python Spring 2022 Bootcamp. Beyond her interest in programming, Euphemia saw in ReDI a path to becoming ready for the job market in Germany after her Master’s graduation. Turns out she got out more than she bargained for, as Python became a key language to analyze data for her master thesis and the foundation for her first job in Germany.
Euphemia presenting her first group project - a ‘’Rock, Paper, Scissor’’ simulation during the Intro to Python bootcamp.
‘’ The teachers gave me the confidence to overcome my impostor syndrome’’ - From IT skills to soft skills development
From the list of new learnings acquired during her two consecutive Python courses (Intro to Python and Python Foundation), Euphemia does not only count programming as skills gained, but also some key soft skills. Through class group projects she experienced the vital art of collaboration, which she sees as pivotal to being a good programmer within a company.
Through the continuous support of teachers, Euphemia was empowered to fight her imposter syndrome. This empowering relation was a two way street. The volunteer teachers in Euphemia’s Python classes were dedicated to passing down knowledge, which made Euphemia feel accountable and invested in making them feel appreciated for their commitment. An empowering feeling for a volunteer teacher to see the determination and appreciation of its learners. We do love a win-win story at ReDI!
‘’I was convinced I would have to volunteer before finding a full time job in tech ’’ - Proactively harnessing the full potential of ReDI’s Career Services
Euphemia’s drive spanned beyond her academic achievement to her proactive mindset when it came to taking her first step in the German job market. Learning from ReDI, she saw volunteering as a pathway to further acquiring skills valued by recruiters and to better market herself. Turns out she would not need it after all. Before the online ReDI Job Fair, Euphemia reached out to the companies who would be present at the career event, through ReDI’s Talent Pool platform. On this platform, ReDI talents can get connected to hiring companies. caught Euphemia’s attention as a company advertising for English-speaking software development positions for people willing to learn. If Euphemia is one thing, it's her constant eagerness to learn and tackle new stimulating challenges. Without hesitation she emailed the recruiter her CV through the ReDI Talent Pool platform, and got a first phone interview the day before the actual Job Fair. These two ReDI career services are defined as additional recruiting channels for ReDI partners, such as, and ‘’extremely valuable right from the beginning to get in touch with a lot of new software development potentials’’.
‘’ I wanted to work in a smaller company to be able to really see my input and have an impact’’ - Euphemia and, it’s a match!
The first interaction with was a hit across the board for Euphemia. Hans from the was friendly and valued Euphemia’s academic path. He saw it as a testament of her potential to learn fast and to embrace the steep learning curve of entry-level positions. In his own words, for Hans,
‘’Euphemia's level of motivation and her level of willingness to learn is breathtaking. With her solid technical background I'm absolutely convinced that we found with Euphemia the perfect match to reinforce our DevOps team’’.’s commitment to continuously foster new IT talents was made even clearer to Euphemia when she interacted with employees and heard about their respective growth journeys within the company. This was critical for Euphemia, who wishes to see her progression and to truly have an impact with her work.
We wish Euphemia all the best and are very proud to count her as a ReDI in Cyberspace Alumni!
If you are interested in one of our courses, find out more here.
Euphemia’s success story is without a doubt one for the books! She simultaneously wrote her masters thesis while graduating from two ReDI Python courses and looking after her newborn baby. It only took Euphemia three months after her ReDI graduation to find a job thanks to the ReDI Career Services and ReDI’s dedicated company partners.