Full Stack Web Development Bootcamp

Online | Web Development Courses

  • 3 sessions / week

  • This is a FREE course

Course Overview

Join ReDI’s full stack bootcamp and spend 18 weeks mastering web development through four focused projects, from basic HTML and CSS to advanced JavaScript and React application building. You'll learn through four hands-on projects, enhancing your skills with weekly milestones and collaborative sessions where you receive feedback from coaches and your peers. You'll finish with strong coding skills and a professional portfolio, ready to apply for an internship. This bootcamp is ideal if you can commit to 20 hours a week, are fluent in English, and are keen to launch a career in tech.

  • In ReDI’s full stack bootcamp, you'll progress through four structured projects to master web development:

    • Project 1 - Web Fundamentals: Start with the essentials of Git, HTML, and CSS. You’ll learn everything from basic page structure with HTML to advanced layout techniques with CSS, including Flexbox, Grid, and responsive design.

    • Project 2 - JavaScript: Deep dive into JavaScript, covering everything from variables and loops to complex concepts like DOM manipulation, asynchronous coding, and error handling. You’ll become proficient in crafting interactive and dynamic web applications.

    • Project 3 - React Development: Build dynamic single-page applications using React. From basic setup with Vite to advanced topics like state management with hooks, routing, and API integration, you'll learn to create sophisticated front-end architectures.

    • Project 4 - Job Readiness: In the final project, you create a powerful LinkedIn profile, CV, and portfolio, work on a case study, and learn how to apply for your first job.

    • Project-Based Learning: Over 18 weeks, engage with four distinct projects, each spanning four weeks. Work independently and receive ongoing feedback from coaches and peers.

    • Weekly Milestones: Commit 14 hours each week to a specific milestone, utilizing new concepts to enhance your project's development.

    • Weekly Sessions: Participate in three weekly sessions: an Input session for learning new concepts, a Peer-to-Peer session for exchanging feedback, and a Support session for guidance from coaches.

    • English Proficiency: You need to be fluent in understanding and speaking English.

    • Time Commitment: You should commit to at least 20 hours per week, including classes and self-study, and maintain at least 80% attendance to graduate.

    • Industry Focus: You should have an understanding of the full stack labor market and be aiming for a career in this field.

    • Independent Work: You are expected to work independently on projects, dedicating about 14 hours each week to this effort.

  • The bootcamp is beginner-friendly. However, we encourage you to start exploring the full stack world. The following links can help you get an understanding of the full stack development:

    • Master Web Fundamentals: You gained proficiency in using HTML and CSS for layout techniques including Flexbox, Grid, and responsive design.

    • Develop with JavaScript: You are able to handle complex programming tasks such as DOM manipulation, asynchronous coding, and error handling to create dynamic web applications.

    • Build with React: You set up and developed single-page applications using React, managing state with hooks, implementing routing, and integrating APIs.

    • Prepare for the Job Market: You crafted a professional LinkedIn profile, CV, and portfolio; tackled case study challenges; and learned job application strategies.

    • Technical Proficiency: You understand and applied basic programming concepts, used command lines, managed version control with Git, and deployed web applications following best practices.

    • Career & Soft Skills Workshops, Company Visits

    • ReDI Mentorship Program (mentors in the IT industry)

    • ReDI Talent Pool (job listing platform)

    • Further Online Learning resources such as SkillBuild self-paced eLearning (by IBM & ReDI)

  • Available Online
  • Classes: Monday & Tuesday & Friday 19:00 - 21:00
  • Spring Semester: April-July
  • Fall Semester: September - January
  • Teaching language: English

How to apply


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